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What to live for


Amidst the hustle-bustle of a never relenting world, the ever-piling needs and legitimate desires, the believer has to perpetually make the decision of what to prioritize. Many in a bid to make ends meet have lost sight of what truly matters. Hence, the need to constantly remind the man who has believed of his primary assignment, and life’s purpose.

This teaching presents an insight into a believer’s purpose and essence of life. An explanation of Jesus’ statement, ‘take no thought’ and a clear explanation of what Jesus considers life priorities. The man God uses, the believer’s sufficiency, the role of knowledge and the responsibility of every man in spreading the Gospel.

An insight into God’s plan for every believer, His instructions on what to do in tribulations, ‘What to live for’ will redirect the man who has forgotten his purpose, ignite a sense of awakening in the one who has been carried away by worrying, and instruct the man who is oblivious to his God-given mandate. You will find the passion to prioritize the things that matter, as you unveil what to live for.